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Pre-op Patient Information: VenaSeal Closure System

If you are planning an appointment at the Vein Healthcare Center for VenaSeal Therapy, it is important to be informed about pre-operative guidelines. Being fully prepared for your appointment and following recommendations for care before your appointment will help ensure successful, comfortable treatment.

Exceptional patient care is our first priority. If you have any questions about treatment or about your upcoming appointment, please call the Vein Healthcare Center at 207-221-7799. We are available to answer questions and address any concerns you may have.

Understanding Your VenaSeal Visit
VenaSeal is an outpatient procedure that involves using cyanocryalate adhesives to stop the flow of blood at the site of the vein that has failed. As a result of this procedure, the vein will close and eventually disappear, allowing blood to divert to healthy veins in the leg.

An appointment for VenaSeal therapy takes approximately one hour, though it may require more or less time. Only a small amount of local anesthetic is used for the access site as the cyanocryalate adhesives causes no pain. You are encouraged to tell your doctor if any pain although most patient's do not experience any pain. Therefore, a local anesthetic around the vein is not used.

Preparing for VenaSeal
Please read all instructions in preparation for your appointment:

  • Refrain from shaving your legs the morning of the procedure. This will reduce the risk of razor burn irritation from the sterilizing wash.
  • Take all regular medications the day of the procedure.
  • Fasting is not required; eat a normal breakfast or lunch.
  • You may bring an iPod or headset if you'd like to listen to music during the procedure.
  • Prepare to bring or wear high-cut underwear that you are willing to have stained by iodine solution. You will likely want a second pair to change into after the procedure is over.
  • Inform the Vein Healthcare Center of any seafood or iodine allergies.
  • You will be scheduled for a post- op appointment within 1 week of your procedure; this is a very important appointment.

The VenaSeal Procedure
Once you arrive for your appointment at the Vein Healthcare Center, you will change into exam shorts and photos of your legs will be taken. Photos are used only for your personal medical chart. Your leg will be rechecked using Ultrasound. Your vital signs will be checked, and you'll be asked to relax on the table. There are pillows and blankets available for your comfort, and if you brought a listening device, you can begin listening to music.

Your leg will be cleansed with an iodine solution to the groin. Please make us aware of any iodine or seafood allergies. An IV will be placed in the problematic vein, usually at or around the level of your knee, or in the middle section of the back of your calf. You will feel a small pinch of local anesthetic at the access site during this part of the procedure.

The VenaSeal system is made up of an adhesive, a special formulated n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate, and delivery systems components that include a catheter, guidewire, dispenser gun, dispenser tips, and syringes.

The physician fills a syringe with the medical adhesive and then inserts it into a dispensing gun attached to an application catheter. Using ultrasound imaging, the doctor threads the catheter up to the highest point of venous insufficiency. There should be little or no discomfort, but you will feel pressure as each aliquout of glue is released. The VenaSeal agents, a clear liquid that polymerizes into solid material in the vein. The catheter is placed in specific areas along the diseased vein and the physician conducts a series of trigger pulls to deliver the medical adhesive, thus sealing the incompetent venous valve shut and eliminating reflux. This process should take approximately 1 hour.

Please follow Post-op Patient Information: VENASEAL guidelines following your appointment. If you have any questions or concerns about your VENASEAL appointment, call our office at 207-221-7799 or email us at info@veinhealthcare.com.

Your care and comfort are our priority!

Post-op Patient Information: VenaSeal

If you have undergone VenaSeal Therapy at the Vein Healthcare Center, it is important to be informed about post-operative requirements. Following guidelines for care after your treatment will help promote the most effective healing so you can return to your daily routine and start experiencing a comfortable, symptom-free life as soon as possible.

Exceptional patient care is our first priority. If you have any questions following your appointment, please call the Vein Healthcare Center at 207-221-7799. We are available to answer questions and address any concerns you may have.

After Your VenaSeal Procedure
Immediately after the procedure, your leg will be washed with warm water to remove any remaining betadine. Compression stocking are not required but may be worn for comfort, if desired. You may return to your daily activities following your procedure. It is recommended that you return to work the day after your appointment, provided you have a non-physically strenuous job.

After You Leave Our Office
Knowing what to expect after your appointment and understanding all recommendations and restrictions is important following VenaSeal.

What to Expect: Following VenaSeal, patients should expect minimal to no bruising, swelling, and/or tenderness. Post-procedure discomfort should also be minimal. If one does develop any discomfort, elevating your legs, applying heat, and taking ibuprofen as needed are all effective ways to ease most post-operative pain. If pain is persistent or becomes intolerable, call the Vein Healthcare Center at 207-221-7799.

Rx: Elevating your legs as much as possible is recommended following your VenaSeal procedure. It is very important to walk for 30 minutes each day for the first 2 weeks after your procedure. Walking can be done in short increments throughout the day that add up to 30 minutes, or it can be done all at once, whatever works best for your schedule.

Restrictions: Restrictions during the first five - seven days following your VENASEAL procedure include avoiding the following:

  • Heavy lifting
  • Hot tubs
  • Strenuous physical activity while standing